This is how i am... Accept it

Thursday, August 05, 2004


Ok today woke up at then went to my grandmas/aunts
Then i went to chrissy's Well it was interesting. As soon as i get there i am already wet cough chris cough stupid squirt gns grrr.... it was really fun and every1 was hyper. Hah do u kno what flambuoyant means....well what ever you think unless you think gay YOUR WRONG!! and we were right..... Michelle gets the blame for a lot fo stuff lol and grapes!.... chrissy is yummy ;-) lol...... Lin had to leave early....... Alex got hit with a birdie..... chris metallica sucks,j/k....Kelly and the rafts! woohoo!.....Brandon the vball and i lost my leg and u were really hyper!
Ok that up there its just like a small summary of today likei said it was interesting and you know you were jealous you werent invited ;-) lol

Joi's happy
Jill is in wisconsin
Kt is having scurry dreams lol ;-) and she hates the rabbit lmao
ok gtg bye!
P.S. I missed KRISTINA!!! HWY COULDNT YOU HAVE LEFT ON FRIDAY! OR THURS NITE!! WAHHHH!! :'-( dun worry we will fill you in


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