I AM SO SAD!!!! Today I accidentally threw out these totally awesome pair of pants that I made in fashion, I hope they will still have them tomorrow because I mean i didn'ty throw them away in a normal garbage bin so they might still be there. OH I HOPE SO! I almost want to cry, they were like my dream pants almost. :Sniff:
Even if they aren't there I guess I will either make more in the summer, or something.
On the upside...
Last day of school tomorrow! So EXCITED! only one test, Spanish.... its ok I took it pass/fail ;-) smart thinkin for me YAY! otherwise it would be a B
On a sad note I FRIGGIN GOT A B+ in English, Im so disappointed! I was SOOO close to an A- It would have done so much, but I guess i shouldn't complain. I just I dont know, I have this over achieving problem maybe? I dunno....
SCHOOLS OUT TOMORROW! IM SO EXCITED, time for a homer simpson quote (dont worrry this post is going places!)
"I Am so smart, S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T"
Well now it is time to find out what I have been doing, this is interesting.
Over the past few weeks I have played basketball, hung out with friends, family parties, and a hell of a lot of projects, the last week cram as i would like to call it.
Tuesday was the first day of finals and monday was my last normal day of being a sophomore, It was fun but hey I can't wait to see what next year brings. Livin it to the best I can. So far I haven't failed any of my finals, Go Me! not like I would fail, the only one I might fail is spanish WHY?! BECUASE MOST OF IT IS STUPID CULTURE STUFF THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LANGUAGE!!!!! okay I am glad I got that out, I will be studying in a few minutes, Or maybe I will study at school, I dont know.
Tuesday I also went over to Kathi's! aka Roni! It was fun we made pizza! I tried mine for the first time without sauce, though I must say the sauce kathi made was better than none. WAtched Little Mermaid on CANADA TELEVISION! HAH I SO WISH I HAD THAT CHANNEL! Then I got sick and had to miss practice, I hate getting the sicky feeling, no it wasnt from the pizza it was from school. lol ;-)
Today- I had my Science, and fashion( :-( :Sniff: ) finals. I have an A+ for the semester in science almost a 100% in the class. I am so glad. Then after school I went over to Pimp Smokey joe's. HE STOLE MY KEY! Its ok i got it back. It was fun watched some star wars, and it was great pretty funny. good times, good times
I am beginning to wonder WHERE AM I? I am never around, well I am but I don't know, This is why i feel like a forgotten one or something. Like I'm there but I feel people don't see me maybe? I dont know its like I am invisible. Some people get on my nerves, no names but uhg!! If people only knew what life through my eyes seemed like, But then again I am sure that there's might not always be great either... I guess we all just have our problems and need to try to fix them. Just keep lookin ahead.
I am going to miss everyone, I hope I see everyone next year! DONT FORGET ME, I wont forget anyone!