This is how i am... Accept it

Friday, May 27, 2005

This is a new post from an unofficial junior

This is my summer! The SUMMER TO PARTAY! to the best of my abilities. I FOUND MY PANTS!!! IM SOOO HAPPY, For those of you that are reading this and thinkin Wtf? read the post from yesterday, it would explain my depresion. LoL

Well I am an unofficial junior, I have passed sophomore year, and now this time next year I will have my college applications or something like that. Im getting nervous! lol College is looking scary, but hopefully my great friends will be able to help me get through it, and of course I would do the same for all of them ;-)
Now it is time to go do my summer homework, I already finished some of it because I am a nerd and have a goal of finishing it by June 20 or something like that.... Yes, I am a nerd, but I do what I can, after all isn't that all I can do? If that made sense... I was feeling buddhist/ghandist...... yes... Well tonite going to tgif, tomorrow babysitting/homework (like i said GOAL), sunday basketball in the morning and going to my little bit o' paradise with my family and everyone, I dont know when I will be back, Afterwards off to Virginia, it sounds fun and relaxing... then of course with that comes the price of basketball, I hope I make it, I have to think this through I wasn't even going to try-out next year, but I dunno.... Luv ya all if ya even read it lol

Thursday, May 26, 2005

I AM SO SAD!!!! Today I accidentally threw out these totally awesome pair of pants that I made in fashion, I hope they will still have them tomorrow because I mean i didn'ty throw them away in a normal garbage bin so they might still be there. OH I HOPE SO! I almost want to cry, they were like my dream pants almost. :Sniff:
Even if they aren't there I guess I will either make more in the summer, or something.
On the upside...
Last day of school tomorrow! So EXCITED! only one test, Spanish.... its ok I took it pass/fail ;-) smart thinkin for me YAY! otherwise it would be a B
On a sad note I FRIGGIN GOT A B+ in English, Im so disappointed! I was SOOO close to an A- It would have done so much, but I guess i shouldn't complain. I just I dont know, I have this over achieving problem maybe? I dunno....
SCHOOLS OUT TOMORROW! IM SO EXCITED, time for a homer simpson quote (dont worrry this post is going places!)
"I Am so smart, S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T"
Well now it is time to find out what I have been doing, this is interesting.
Over the past few weeks I have played basketball, hung out with friends, family parties, and a hell of a lot of projects, the last week cram as i would like to call it.
Tuesday was the first day of finals and monday was my last normal day of being a sophomore, It was fun but hey I can't wait to see what next year brings. Livin it to the best I can. So far I haven't failed any of my finals, Go Me! not like I would fail, the only one I might fail is spanish WHY?! BECUASE MOST OF IT IS STUPID CULTURE STUFF THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LANGUAGE!!!!! okay I am glad I got that out, I will be studying in a few minutes, Or maybe I will study at school, I dont know.
Tuesday I also went over to Kathi's! aka Roni! It was fun we made pizza! I tried mine for the first time without sauce, though I must say the sauce kathi made was better than none. WAtched Little Mermaid on CANADA TELEVISION! HAH I SO WISH I HAD THAT CHANNEL! Then I got sick and had to miss practice, I hate getting the sicky feeling, no it wasnt from the pizza it was from school. lol ;-)
Today- I had my Science, and fashion( :-( :Sniff: ) finals. I have an A+ for the semester in science almost a 100% in the class. I am so glad. Then after school I went over to Pimp Smokey joe's. HE STOLE MY KEY! Its ok i got it back. It was fun watched some star wars, and it was great pretty funny. good times, good times

I am beginning to wonder WHERE AM I? I am never around, well I am but I don't know, This is why i feel like a forgotten one or something. Like I'm there but I feel people don't see me maybe? I dont know its like I am invisible. Some people get on my nerves, no names but uhg!! If people only knew what life through my eyes seemed like, But then again I am sure that there's might not always be great either... I guess we all just have our problems and need to try to fix them. Just keep lookin ahead.

I am going to miss everyone, I hope I see everyone next year! DONT FORGET ME, I wont forget anyone!

Thursday, May 12, 2005


ah yes a great movie to watch is Phantom of the Oprah, I know it probably doesn't seem like something I would watch and actually like, but I do! ITs So AWESOME! I remember watching it in music class at the old school, and thinkin booooring.... but this oh this one is great the songs are fantastic. But on a different post-it

Today i took my big government test, it wasnt that bad I am hoping at least a 4 but its only a hope right now... COME ON 4!!! or a 5 would be too fantastic for words, but we shall wait until July ish.... such a long time and i will wait by studying for my govt final! I need a 100%... thats right i didnt have a typo, but don't worry it shall be a slightly easier quest than the other test. School ends soon, I am glad it is but I am also kind of sad I dunno school you kind of get used to it, but I have a feeling that leaving school for summer is going to be very good for me, very good. Thanks Kristina for the new's splendid, i wish i had a comment thing though :/ lol

I can't wait until summer, I can't wait for the sun, and water, and extreme boogie boarding. I might get a job, I want one

STARWARS! must see wanna see it? well plan for like last weekend of may or something like that or like a week after it came out. IT looks super, I wish i had read the books when i was younger, but I didnt it happens... lol Well I need to write some english papers, and government, and math must do good on next test, and Yup I must go... I have to go to sleep